Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Burden of the Heart

When I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days; and I was fasting and praying before the God heaven.
Nehemiah 1:4 (NASB)

It seems there are some things missing from ministry and ministry leaders today.  What is missing is a burdened heart.  We need a passion and a purpose that is burning from within us.  Some of us do not have that.  Granted, pastoral ministry is challenging.  People are challenging.  Working with an organization built around volunteers is challenging.  But pastors, we are missing something within us; a burdened heart!
A wise friend in ministry many years ago chastised some of us newer pastor types because we referred to the pastorate as a vocation.  My brother Ted said, "Ministry is not a vocation or job it is a calling!"  He was and  is absolutely correct.

I learned from my brother.  Less than a year ago, I began conversing with a group from Hastings Michigan.  We were content in the location where we were serving and really did not want to leave the security of Pennsylvania, where we had spent most of our twenty plus years of pastoral ministry.  We had family there, friends in ministry were there, we were well connected in the community and among our sister churches, but God was calling.  I remember making this statement and praying fervently, "God I don't want to just go to a different place of ministry.  If you want me to go to Michigan, I want you to give me a burden and passion for this place."  God answered that prayer.

There are days when I look at our community here and the other places of ministry God has called us to in this area and I sense a deep burden.  Like Nehemiah there are days I mourn over the needs and spiritual condition of this region.  God has burdened my heart.

May I challenge you if you are struggling in your place of service, if you would like to be anywhere but where God has called you, pray for God to burden your heart for the place He has called you too.  It may change many things but I am sure it will change you!

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