"You see the bad situation we are in, that
Jerusalem is desolate and its gates burned by fire. Come, let us rebuild the
wall of Jerusalem so that we will no longer be a reproach." I told them how the hand of my God had been
favorable to me and also about the king's words which he had spoken to me. Then
they said, "Let us arise and build."
Nehemiah 2:17-18 (NASB)As we learned in the last post there are times when change is needed. When it is, we must have the will to lead others to where they need to go. But in order to do that we must share the vision. Vision is not our idea it comes from God. But it will be our responsibility as leaders to help those we lead to embrace the vision.
So how exactly do we do that? There are at least five important steps in sharing God's vision with God's people.
- Have the vision. We must stop and listen and see the vision for ourselves. If you don't have a vision from the Lord, you can not and should not be trying to lead others. If you don't have a vision for your church takes some time go away in silence and solitude and ask God to give you His vision for His people!
- Communicate the vision. Now is the time to begin communicating the vision. How do you do that? In every way and as often as you can. Preach it, talk about it, teach about it, dream with the people about it. Keep it in front of them!
- Organize to fulfill the vision. This is preparation. There will always be details to work and small changes to work through in order for the vision to be accomplished.
- Empower to do the vision. As the leader you are not to do the vision for the people but equip and lead them to do the vision with you. Empower them! Give it to them! Stand with them to accomplish the good work.
- Be persistent with the vision. Stick with it! Don't give up! Don't water down when it seem difficult! If it is from God be persistent regardless of opposition. Every hill is not worthy of the leader dying on. But if this vision is truly from the Lord it is worthy of it. Be persistent!
Leaders must share the vision if change is to be embraced!
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