What have we done to fellowship? I think that is a fair question. In most churches when we say we are going to have some fellowship it means, cake, cookies or some kind of meal. While those goodies may be administered during fellowship it is not fellowship!
So what is fellowship? It is relationships that we develop within the body for spiritual accountability, caring and support. The church is the place that we build and maintain significant relationships. How should we do that? How did the early church do that? We find out in Acts 2:41-46.
43 Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles.
44 Now all the believers were together and held all things in common.
45 They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.
46 Every day they devoted themselves ⌊to meeting⌋ together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude,
Acts 2:42-46 (HCSB)
So what does that look like in our churches? What do we need to encourage and foster?
- Committed to Unity. (Vs 44) All believers together. This means proximity to one another but it also means unity. But it must be unity to the right thing, purpose of the church and Christ. Salvation, The Body and Discipleship.
- Committed to meeting one another's needs. (Vs. 44-45) They were committed to one another with love that was unconditional, and sacrificial.
- Committed to interaction. (Vs. 46) They met in the Temple complex and in their homes. There was social interaction, but so much more. There was spiritual and emotional interaction. They spent time together.
How much stronger and effective would our churches be if we could really get fellowship!
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