18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the forces of Hades will not overpower it.
In the day in and day out world of Church leaders there are some important truths that we know or at least use to know that we need to be reminded of. In Matthew 16 (vs. 13-20) Jesus questions His disciples about who He is and what they think about who He is. From this passage there are some profound truths that we would do well to remember in the midst of ministry. Let me remind us of a few:
Matt 16:18 (HCSB)
In the day in and day out world of Church leaders there are some important truths that we know or at least use to know that we need to be reminded of. In Matthew 16 (vs. 13-20) Jesus questions His disciples about who He is and what they think about who He is. From this passage there are some profound truths that we would do well to remember in the midst of ministry. Let me remind us of a few:
- This is personal. Jesus singles out Peter. OK well Peter put himself in the center of the situation by answering! But it is personal. It doesn't matter what your church does or others do. It is personal. Who do you say that I am? What will you do with Jesus?
- It is all about Jesus. Sometimes we forget the Church is not about us. It is always about Him. Who He is, The messiah, God come in the flesh.
- It is His church. It is not our church or my church it is His church!
- He will build His church. For all of our effort and trying we must remember that He will build. We are along for the ride. Try not to get in His way!
- We are in a War. We are not competition with each other. We are in a war with Satan! Remember who the real enemy is.
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