Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Missing Link in most Church Strategies

In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there. 
Mark 1:35 (NASB)

The missing link for most of us in our strategies for growing healthy churches is prayer.  Yes we all state that prayer is important but seldom to we prioritize it or emphasis it in our strategies for growth.  For the most part, the church in America is weak.  Even in our biggest churches we are weak.  What would happen if a church of 100 or 2000 or even 50 were to be really committed to prayer and obeying God at all costs.  We would operate more like special ops rather than girl scouts.  (no knock on girl scouts intended!)  So what are some things we should consider as leaders and pastors, as we strategize for prayer?

  1. Connect with the Boss.  Pastor we need to make it a priority to hear from God on a regular basis.  Don't assume that this is what is "normal" for church growth that it is what God is asking for you to do.  Sometimes God has a different plan for us than the status quo.  Spend time 'listening" regularly to God.  I would suggest a regular prayer retreat at least two times a year or even once a month to listen to what God want to say to us.  Jesus got away to hear from the Father and we should too.
  2. Make corporate prayer a priority.  I know this is a challenge.  Every church I pastored feel short in this.  Pastor's and churches have given up on prayer meetings.  The problem with our prayer meetings is that we don't pray.  We do Bible study (which is good).  We share prayer requests (sometimes that is needed).  But we don't pray.  Don't give up on prayer but make it a priority.  If it is just you or just you and a few, get together and pray anyway!
  3. Create a prayer team.  You need to have a prayer team.  We usually reserve this for a church plant or missionaries.  Pastor there is no difference biblically from you as a pastor or the church planter or missionary.  You need prayer support.  Maybe it will be a group from your church.  Maybe it will be a group from outside the church.  A prayer team needs to be made up of people who will pray, who have a concern or love for you and are committed to you and His church.  When creating a prayer team remember, "it is not the quantity of the team but the quality of the team."
  4. Hold Special Prayer Emphasis.  Mission teams going out, VBS or other events are a great time to call together the body to pray specifically for the lost, your community and God's glory to be shown.  Sometimes you may feel the need to call the congregation to a time of prayer for Revival.
Prayer is vital if we are to see God move in our churches with power and purpose!