be of sound judgment and sober spirit
for the purpose of prayer.
1 Peter 4:7 (NASB)
Ministry can be a difficult "job". It seems for many leaders there are always those gunning for you and hoping to see you fail. There are many external challenges to blow up a pastor/leader. Failure may come because of others but the saddest is when the failure comes because of the leader himself. Beware of the internal failures that you might detonate on yourself. Remember, character really does matter. So allow God to convict, change and move you to be all that He wants you to be.
I would like to suggest six leadership landmines that we must watch for in our own attitudes, actions and heart.
- Personal Failure. We all have seen and heard those who have had a moral failing. Keep yourself in check. Confess your weaknesses. Have fellow leaders who you have called upon as an accountability partner.
- Broken promises. Don't be a promise breaker but a promise keeper. If you say it - do it! Sometimes it is an innocent mistake. We have good intentions. But intentions are not what people are looking for. If you break a promise, quickly fix it and admit it to the one you have let down.
- Gossip. We must be careful that we practice what we preach. Check your words and thoughts and how you express yourself. Make sure that what you say is appropriate and not falling into sin.
- Ignoring the Systems. Don't try to get around the rules. Sometimes rules (constitution, bylaws, Policies) can be helpful in ministry. Sometimes it feels like they restrict a visionary leader from doing what he believes God is leading him to do. If the systems in place are hindering the ministry then change them but don't just ignore them.
- Manipulation. Pastors/leaders can sometimes manipulate. We sometimes act more like a "used car salesman" trying to sell something people don't want. Sometimes we try to "guilt" people into doing what we want them to do. Yes there are times that people need to be moved to change and do something that is in line with God's agenda. Rely on the Holy Spirit's work not your own manipulation.
- Hypocrisy. Don't be fake! Don't misuse your position. Be real with people. Don't try to be something your not. Many people, especially millennials will see right through our fakeness.
A good leader will always check his motives. Be careful as you move forward into ministry.