In pastoral ministry there are really three biblical words that describe a pastor. One is that of overseer. One who guards over or watches over the congregation. Second is that of Shepherd. It is where we get the term pastor. He Shepherds primary role is to feed and nurture the congregation. The third word is Elder. Elder describes the role of visionary leader. The Scripture says that without vision or revelation the people will perish (Prov. 29.18). So what does that aspect of pastoring look like. What are the characteristics of a Visionary Leader?
- He is a Coach. Being Pastor does not mean, that it needs to be, "my way or the high way." but it does mean that as God imparts His vision/revelation for the congregation I need to coach them in doing what He is calling us to do. A Coach will mentor, teach techniques and encourage his team to accomplish things bigger than themselves.
- He is an agent of Change. I know there it is that dirty word, CHANGE. Very few people in the world really enjoy change. Even as pastors we don't really like to change. But if we are listening to the master we are aware that He is calling us and the people we shepherd to change. We must embrace it and be the one willing to take the first steps toward change and faithfully challenge others to do the same.
- He is to set Direction. In most modern church growth guides we are instructed to form a team or have the entire congregation come together and determine direction. While that sounds really good, I really don't believe that is biblical. I don't recall in the Scripture an admonition to form a vision team. The closest we get to that is in the book of Acts when the elders of the church prayed through and set aside Paul and Barnabas in direction of the Holy Spirit. As leaders we must listen to the Holy Spirit and give direction as He leads.
- He is a spokesperson or the mouth piece of God. As a pastor God has given you the privilege to be His mouth piece. Don't take it lightly. Don't let it go to your head. Remember God also spoke through a Donkey! And certainly bring others around you to affirm that you heard correctly. But you are going to have to speak His vision to the congregation He has entrusted you to lead. So, cautiously, respectfully, and humbly speak.
We need vision to be all that Go wants us to be. Don't miss His great purpose for us as His shepherds to lead people to His vision!