Monday, April 22, 2013

Danger signs of an unhealthy church mindset

Over the years I have become increasingly convinced that a healthy, strong and growing church is not about the programs, policies and activities that a church is doing but more importantly the mindset and paradigms it has adopted.  That being said let me share 9 thoughts mindsets that are danger signs of an unhealthy church mindset.

  1. We boast of faithfulness instead of fruitfulness.(John 15.1-8)
  2. The Committee or Team's name changes but the faces around the table don't.
  3. We excuse ourselves for lacking quality in what we do.
  4. We plan for our comfort not for ministry opportunities.
  5. For an event to be successful everyone must attend.
  6. New people are given "opportunity" to serve only after a few weeks attending and without being equipped.
  7. We like to say, "We always do it this way!"
  8. We hear, "We pay the pastor to do the ministry things."
  9. We have a purpose we just aren't sure what it is!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Clarifying Vision

Most of us are familiar with Proverbs 29.18 that says,Where there is no vision, the people perish:
Prov 29:18.  Go to almost any leadership or pastoral conference and eventually you will hear this verse or at least hear the word "vision".  Vision is important.  In fact I would say that if we are going to be leaders with any credibility we must have vision.  But in our church culture today we have missed a very critical truth.  We are instructed, encouraged even berated that we must get our leadership team together, have a dream session and together determine the vision for our church.  There is just one problem with that advice.  Vision does not come from committees, teams or even dreaming!  It comes from God.  If we look at another translation of Proverbs 29.18 it may gives us a better understanding of what vision is.
 Without revelation people run wild, but one who keeps the law will be happy.
Prov 29:18 (HCSB)
Vision comes from God's revelation to us.  If we are quiet and stop our dreaming we will hear from the Lord and He will give us His vision.  Notice the mention of Law.  Vision will spring out of our communion with God in the Word.  So next time you hear a  guru tell you to form a committee, perhaps it would be wise to first consult a committee of three: Father, Son & Holy Spirit!