It is obvious as we look at the Scripture there is a call for all Christ Followers to be proclaiming the good news. As leaders of the Church we have a obligation to lead our congregations in this calling personally. But what or better how do we proclaim the good news? What does the proclaimed gospel Word look like? I just recently finished a book by Michael Green entitled Evangelism in the Early Church (Eerdmans Publishing, 1970) Pg. 150-151.
First, They preached a person. The gospel proclaimed is about a person. The person of Jesus. The primary subject is no one else but the savior. Many of our gospel presentation is self-centered but it really needs to be Christ centered. Certainly the individual needs to understand their need but its more about Jesus than it is about them.
Second, they proclaimed a gift. Salvation, forgiveness of sin is a gift. Grace must be central in our gospel presentation. No one can earn or merit salvation. There is nothing that we can do to bring salvation to ourselves. It is a gift.
Third, they looked for a response. They early church expected results. They anticipated a response and that salvation would come to their hearers. We are often surprised when someone comes to Christ. The early church anticipated it.
Every now and then it is good to have reminder and to examine the example of the early church. Happy fishing!