The church today needs a reality check. It behooves us as leaders to lead in the reality of our churches fulfilling our Biblical purpose. Dr. Henry Blackaby wrote in an On Mission Magazine article:
"If a nation is getting darker, or decaying, the 'problem' is not entirely with society. The problem really lies with the condition of God's people. We (Church) conduct our programs and activities, often simply to grow larger in number, but our influence as salt and light is not being felt in culture."

We are in need of a reality check. Our purpose isn't really to build bigger churches with more activities. Our real purpose is to be salt and light in our community (Matt. 5.13-16). The great commission will not be fulfilled by us building bigger structures, drawing bigger crowds and having better activities than anyone else in the community. We must be the preserving and directing influence of salt and light on our culture.
Leaders we desperately need a reality check. Ask yourself the tough question about your ministry. Am I and the church I lead really preserving or giving light to my community or am I just "doing church"?