I am borrowing a campaign slogan from our President. Pray for Him as our nation faces unbelievable challenges. What a brave slogan for a campaign. Brave because none of us like change. No really, you don’t! I don’t either. Do you like it when you come upon a detour or the fire police and they redirect you from your chosen path? We really don’t like change but change is necessary. Someone once said, “If you are not changing you are dead.” Our bodies change, our culture changes. Our plans for the future change. Even our methods change. What am I trying to say? Get used to change! It is inevitable and necessary.
But we cry, where is our stability? Is there anything that doesn’t change? Well, I am glad you asked. Yes there are some things that don’t change and I am not referring to death and taxes. Let me bullet a few for you:
· God does not change. (1 Samuel 15:29; Hebrews 13:8)
· God’s Word does not change. (Luke 29:33)
· God’s plan of salvation does not change. (Micah 7:18: 1 John 1:9)
· Our purpose as His people does not change. (Matthew 28:18-20)
So, while life and ministry may change there are some consistent things that never will. So change when it is necessary (and try to enjoy it!) but remain steadfast in our unchanging purpose to share God’s unchanging plan of salvation, from His unchanging Word so that the millions of people in our area will have the opportunity to know this unchanging God! Now that is change you can believe in!